1,128 research outputs found

    Economic Geology Models #3. Geological Contributions to Geometallurgy: A Review

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    Geometallurgy is a cross-disciplinary science that addresses the problem of teasing out the features of the rock mass that significantly influence mining and processing. Rocks are complex composite mixtures for which the basic building blocks are grains of minerals. The properties of the minerals, how they are bound together, and many other aspects of rock texture affect the entire mining value chain from exploration, through mining and processing, waste and tailings disposal, to refining and sales. This review presents rock properties (e.g. strength, composition, mineralogy, texture) significant in geometallurgy and examples of test methods available to measure or predict these properties.   Geometallurgical data need to be quantitative and spatially constrained so they can be used in 3D modelling and mine planning. They also need to be obtainable relatively cheaply in order to be abundant enough to provide a statistically valid sample distribution for spatial modelling. Strong communication between different departments along the mining value chain is imperative so that data are produced and transferred in a useable form and duplication is avoided. The ultimate aim is to have 3D models that not only show the grade of valuable elements (or minerals), but also include rock properties that may influence mining and processing, so that decisions concerning mining and processing can be made holistically, i.e. the impacts of rock properties on all the cost centres in the mining process are taken into account. There are significant costs to improving ore deposit knowledge and it is very important to consider the cost-benefit curve when planning the level of geometallurgical effort that is appropriate in individual deposits.RÉSUMÉLa géométallurgie est une science interdisciplinaire qui s’intéresse aux caractéristiques de la masse rocheuse qui influent de manière significative sur l'exploitation minière et le traitement du minerai. Les roches sont des mélanges composites complexes dont les éléments structurant de base sont des grains de minéraux. Les propriétés des minéraux, la façon dont ils sont liés entre eux, et de nombreux autres aspects de la texture des roches déterminent l'ensemble de la chaîne de valeur minière, de l'exploration à l'extraction à la transformation, à l'élimination des déchets et des résidus, jusqu'au raffinage et à la vente. La présente étude passe en revue les propriétés significatives de la roche (par ex. sa cohésion, sa composition, sa minéralogie, sa texture) en géométallurgie ainsi que des exemples de méthodes d'essai disponibles pour mesurer ou prédire ces propriétés.   Les données géométallurgiques doivent être quantitatives et localisées spatialement afin qu'elles puissent être utilisées dans la modélisation 3D et la planification de la mine. Elles doivent également être peu couteuses afin d'être suffisamment nombreuses pour fournir une distribution d'échantillon statistiquement valide pour la modélisation spatiale. Une communication efficace entre les différents segments de la chaîne de valeur minière est impérative pour que les données soient produites et transférées sous une forme utilisable et que les duplications soient évitées. Le but ultime est d'avoir des modèles 3D qui montrent non seulement la qualité des éléments précieux (ou minéraux), mais aussi les propriétés de roche qui déterminent l'exploitation minière et le traitement du minerai, de sorte que les décisions concernant l'exploitation minière et le traitement du minerai peuvent être réalisées de façon holistique, c.-à-d. que l’impact des propriétés de roche sur tous les maillons de la chaîne des coûts du processus minier sont prises en compte. Les coûts d’amélioration des connaissances sur le gisement de minerai étant importants, il faut tenir compte de la courbe coûts-bénéfices lors de la planification du niveau d'investissement géométallurgique approprié pour le gisement considéré

    Validation of Vehicle Panel/Equipment Response from Diffuse Acoustic Field Excitation Using Spatially Correlated Transfer Function Approach

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    An approach for predicting the vibration, strain, and force responses of a flight-like vehicle panel assembly to acoustic pressures is presented. Important validation for the approach is provided by comparison to ground test measurements in a reverberant chamber. The test article and the corresponding analytical model were assembled in several configurations to demonstrate the suitability of the approach for response predictions when the vehicle panel is integrated with equipment. Critical choices in the analysis necessary for convergence of the predicted and measured responses are illustrated through sensitivity studies. The methodology includes representation of spatial correlation of the pressure field over the panel surface. Therefore, it is possible to demonstrate the effects of hydrodynamic coincidence in the response. The sensitivity to pressure patch density clearly illustrates the onset of coincidence effects on the panel response predictions

    Romanticism’s Fellow Creatures

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    This panel opens up innovative ways of thinking about Romanticism and “the problem of sharing our earth with other creatures.” Over the last couple of decades, the crisis in human relations with animals has deteriorated to the point that it has become increasingly recognized as a constitutive part of the global environmental crisis. Like the climate crisis, the “animal crisis” originates with the emergence of the industrial form of capitalism in Britain around the turn of the nineteenth century. Appreciation of this historical constellation can and should become the basis of a renewed Romantic animal studies. However, reading Romanticism as a reflection of and on the historical origins of the contemporary crisis in human-animal relations in turn requires rethinking and openly debating topics, archive, and method. To indicate the initial results and style of our efforts, we have chosen not to summarize the papers presented, but rather to pose ten collectively formulated questions and to briefly answer as individuals a selection of three of those questions. Overall, we hope not just to make an argument for what we regard as a vital area of research in Romantic studies, but to encourage more research on the topic

    Significant Attenuation of Lightly Damped Resonances Using Particle Dampers

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    When equipment designs must perform in a broad band vibration environment it can be difficult to avoid resonances that affect life and performance. This is especially true when an organization seeks to employ an asset from a heritage design in a new, more demanding vibration environment. Particle dampers may be used to provide significant attenuation of lightly damped resonances to assist with such a deployment of assets by including only a very minor set of modifications. This solution may be easier to implement than more traditional attenuation schemes. Furthermore, the cost in additional weight to the equipment can be very small. Complexity may also be kept to a minimum, because the particle dampers do not require tuning. Attenuating the vibratory response with particle dampers may therefore be simpler (in a set it and forget it kind of way) than tuned mass dampers. The paper will illustrate the use of an "equivalent resonance test jig" that can assist designers in verifying the potential resonance attenuation that may be available to them during the early trade stages of the design. An approach is suggested for transforming observed attenuation in the jig to estimated performance in the actual service design. KEY WORDS: Particle Damper, Performance in Vibration Environment, Damping, Resonance, Attenuation, Mitigation of Vibration Response, Response Estimate, Response Verification

    Effect of Particle Damping on an Acoustically Excited Curved Vehicle Panel Structure with varied Equipment Assemblies

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    Particle dampers provide a mechanism for diverting energy away from resonant structural vibrations. This experimental study provides data from trials to determine how effective use of these dampers might be for equipment mounted to a curved orthogrid vehicle panel. Trends for damping are examined for variations in damper fill level, component mass, and excitation energy. A significant response reduction at the component level would suggest that comparatively small, thoughtfully placed, particle dampers might be advantageously used in vehicle design. The results of this test will be compared with baseline acoustic response tests and other follow-on testing involving a range of isolation and damping methods. Instrumentation consisting of accelerometers, microphones, and still photography data will be collected to correlate with the analytical results

    Calculation of Coupled Vibroacoustics Response Estimates from a Library of Available Uncoupled Transfer Function Sets

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    The design and theoretical basis of a new database tool that quickly generates vibroacoustic response estimates using a library of transfer functions (TFs) is discussed. During the early stages of a launch vehicle development program, these response estimates can be used to provide vibration environment specification to hardware vendors. The tool accesses TFs from a database, combines the TFs, and multiplies these by input excitations to estimate vibration responses. The database is populated with two sets of uncoupled TFs; the first set representing vibration response of a bare panel, designated as H(sup s), and the second set representing the response of the free-free component equipment by itself, designated as H(sup c). For a particular configuration undergoing analysis, the appropriate H(sup s) and H(sup c) are selected and coupled to generate an integrated TF, designated as H(sup s +c). This integrated TF is then used with the appropriate input excitations to estimate vibration responses. This simple yet powerful tool enables a user to estimate vibration responses without directly using finite element models, so long as suitable H(sup s) and H(sup c) sets are defined in the database libraries. The paper discusses the preparation of the database tool and provides the assumptions and methodologies necessary to combine H(sup s) and H(sup c) sets into an integrated H(sup s + c). An experimental validation of the approach is also presented

    Growing and marketing Chinese chestnuts

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    "Chinese chestnut (Castanea mollissima) is an emerging tree nut crop for Missouri and throughout the eastern half of the United States. Chestnut cultivation for nut production in the Midwest and eastern U.S. is accelerating, with the number of farms increasing 57% between 2012 and 2017, and more than 600 orchards reaching bearing age (USDA, 2018)."--Page 1.by Ron Revord (Ph.D., Assistant Research Professor, UMCA), Michael Gold (Ph.D., Associate Director, UMCA), Nicholas Meier (Ph.D., Senior Research Specialist, UMCA), J. Bryan Webber (M.S., Senior Research Specialist, UMCA), Ken Hunt (Ph.D., Retired, UMCA), and Michele Warmund (Ph.D., Professor of Horticulture, MU Division of Plant Sciences)Taken from Extension website: Reviewed: August 2022

    A Patch Density Recommendation based on Convergence Studies for Vehicle Panel Vibration Response resulting from Excitation by a Diffuse Acoustic Field

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    Producing fluid structural interaction estimates of panel vibration from an applied pressure field excitation are quite dependent on the spatial correlation of the pressure field. There is a danger of either over estimating a low frequency response or under predicting broad band panel response in the more modally dense bands if the pressure field spatial correlation is not accounted for adequately. It is a useful practice to simulate the spatial correlation of the applied pressure field over a 2d surface using a matrix of small patch area regions on a finite element model (FEM). Use of a fitted function for the spatial correlation between patch centers can result in an error if the choice of patch density is not fine enough to represent the more continuous spatial correlation function throughout the intended frequency range of interest. Several patch density assumptions to approximate the fitted spatial correlation function are first evaluated using both qualitative and quantitative illustrations. The actual response of a typical vehicle panel system FEM is then examined in a convergence study where the patch density assumptions are varied over the same model. The convergence study results illustrate the impacts possible from a poor choice of patch density on the analytical response estimate. The fitted correlation function used in this study represents a diffuse acoustic field (DAF) excitation of the panel to produce vibration response

    American Kestrel Migration: Insights and Challenges from Tracking Individuals Across the Annual Cycle

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    Natural variation in migratory strategies across the range of the American Kestrel (Falco sparverius) creates a unique opportunity for comparative research of annual cycles. However, it can be logistically and technically challenging to track such a small but highly mobile species. We tagged American Kestrels with light-level geolocators or satellite transmitters with the aim of estimating migration timing and connectivity, and we monitored a subset of satellite-tagged individuals during the breeding season to assess transmitter function and wear. We recovered geolocators from six of 49 (12%) tagged individuals. One geolocator-tagged individual migrated approximately 1235 km from its Idaho breeding grounds to New Mexico near the Arizona border for the winter and returned to Idaho the following spring. The other five recaptured individuals remained near (\u3c 200 km) the breeding grounds year-round. The low reliability of recovery and low precision of locations suggested major limitations of using geolocators to track this species. Most satellite transmitters (18 of 22, 82%) failed prior to migration, but one satellite-tagged individual migrated approximately 5945 km from Canada to Nicaragua, and three others transmitted ≥1 location during migration. Transmitters stopped functioning while on live individuals despite showing no visible damage and maintaining adequate battery levels. These results suggest further testing and development are needed before these recently developed tags are deployed again on American Kestrels. Both individuals with complete migration tracks showed evidence of short distance (250–350 km) post-breeding movements to southern stopover sites where they stayed 1–3 mo before migrating onward. Although sample sizes were small, migration patterns were consistent with latitudinal leap-frog patterns described in previous studies and revealed an interesting pattern of a prolonged post-breeding stopover before longer migration. Further, the migration track from Canada to Nicaragua represents the longest recorded migration path for this species

    Evaluating Attenuation of Vibration Response using Particle Impact Damping for a Range of Equipment Assemblies

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    Particle dampers provide a mechanism for diverting energy away from resonant structural vibrations. This experimental study provides data from a series of acoustically excited tests to determine the effectiveness of these dampers for equipment mounted to a curved orthogrid panel for a launch vehicle application. Vibration attenuation trends are examined for variations in particle damper fill level, component mass, and excitation energy. A significant response reduction at the component level was achieved, suggesting that comparatively small, strategically placed, particle damper devices might be advantageously used in launch vehicle design. These test results were compared to baseline acoustic response tests without particle damping devices, over a range of isolation and damping parameters. Instrumentation consisting of accelerometers, microphones, and still photography data will be collected to correlate with the analytical results